One of my passions in life is learning new languages. A number of people have asked me recently how I go about it. In this video, I give a few tips on how to learn a new language. You won’t find these tips in any book! This is just what has worked for me. I hope you find it helpful.
Att lära sig ett nytt språk är en magnifik flirta med mänsklighetens ande. Med ett nytt språk i handflatorna blir vi unga igen. Men hur gör du för att bli en bra språkinlärare? I denna video tänkte jag försöka ge lite tips om hur man lär sig (och hur man inte lär sig) ett nytt språk.
Какими же качествами отличается человек, преуспевающий в изучении языков? В этом ролике я решил рассказать немного о своей страсти к языкам и попытаться дать несколько советов о том, как следует (и как не следует) учить новый язык.
Die meisten Sprachschüler denken, dass es beim Erlernen einer Sprache darum geht, eine Grammatik und neue Wörter zu lernen. Es stimmt nicht. Zur Sprache gehört mehr als nur Wortlisten und Grammatikregeln. In diesem Video gebe ich ein paar Tipps, wie man eine neue Sprache lernt.
Apprendre une langue difficile, c’est comme écouter une symphonie de Chostakovitch si vous ne connaissez que Mozart, ou écouter Cold Play si vous ne connaissez que Michael Jackson. Rappelez-vous : une langue, c’est avant tout une musique. Alors, écoutez et profitez-en!
In this short film, Leonard discusses the joys (and frustrations) of disconnecting from the modern world and living the simple life. The author reflects on his year living alone in a cabin in the High Arctic.
On Thin Ice was part of an award winning series of documentaries on climate change produced by NBC and presented by Ann Curry. This documentary takes us to north-west Greenland to see how a remote Inuit group is affected by climate change.
A short documentary made for the 60 Minutes programme, Channel 9 (Australia) and presented by Michael Usher. The 60 Minutes team join me in north-west Greenland for a taste of life in this frozen corner of our planet.
As part of a podcast on story-telling in the Polar North, Leonard tells a short story on Kap York Radio (north-west Greenland, population 650) in the local language about his encounter with a polar bear in the settlement of Savissivik.